We announce that JS Recycle Holdings Co., Ltd. has invested in Harita Metal Co., Ltd. (“Harita Metal”). Harita Metal has the headquarters in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture, whose representative director is Mr. Makoto Harita. JS Recycle Holdings Co., Ltd. is a portfolio company of J-STAR No.3 SS, LP, etc., funds that J-STAR provides investment-related services.

Since its founding in 1960, Harita Metal has achieved a prominent business scale in the Hokuriku area as an iron and non-ferrous metal recycling company and an intermediary of industrial waste treatment. Also, the industry has highly regarded Harita Metal’s technical capabilities in recent years. Nonetheless, considering the medium- to long-term structural changes such as population decline and globalization, the management has decided that it is necessary to make the shift from a family business to an organizationally-managed company. Therefore, Harita Metal has reached an agreement on a capital alliance with funds and others.

Harita Metal, with Mr. Makoto Harita continuing as the representative director, will aim to realize the management philosophy of creating new value with social significance and contributing to the development of people and society.

*J-STAR Co., Ltd. provides investment-related services to, from directly or indirectly through a wholly-owned subsidiary, J-STAR No.3 SS, LP, etc., providing researches about investment opportunities, as well as other investment related services such as training to portfolio companies.

Announcement of Investment in Harita Metal Co., Ltd.